Sign Compatibility


Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Compatibility among Zodiac Signs and Astrology Horoscopes

Zodiac compatibility studies relationship quality between zodiac signs through astrology horoscopes in detail or else as a general zodiac rule in brief, matching the inherent qualities of the signs they are born in.

Zodiac Compatibility

Astrology horoscopes map all the planets in the solar system according to their positions in the zodiac at the exact time of a person’s birth. The 12 signs of the zodiac represent 12 different kinds of energy configurations. Each one of the solar planets has an energy-association with at least one sign out of the 12, though often the said association extends to more than one of the signs being associated with a certain planet in the system.

Zodiac Compatibility

Now, the 12 signs of the zodiac constitute 12 houses of the astrology horoscopes with different planets in different houses at the time of the person’s birth. These planets correspond to the different aspects in the interpersonal relations, like Venus is associated with romantic love, Mars with sexual passion, Sun with compassionate love, and Neptune as well as Jupiter are associated with spiritual love.

Zodiac Compatibility

If in a horoscope Mars shows its presence in the house of Virgo, the person whose horoscope it is will tend to get sexually attracted toward a person through the journey of her/his life whose natal horoscope shows her/him to be a Virgo-centric character.
The natal chart also shows the connection between the planet and the sign of the house in which it is situated in that chart. So the Mars situated in the house of Aries will make the person more sexually explicit than its being situated in the house of Taurus, simply because Taurus is less explicit than Aries.
What is most desired in a relationship is a balance among all the aspects of interaction, which needs to be explicit at certain times and implicit at others.
Are the same zodiac signs or similar astrology horoscopes the most favorable ones in terms of zodiac compatibility?

Zodiac Compatibility

No! Being very similar, they lack the attraction between the opposites and hence are not able to interact much with each other. They very easily get bored of their zodiac and astrological twins. It’s exactly like the opposite polarities in the inanimate magnetism attracting each other as well as the widely different genes in the animate biological reproduction more creatively interacting with each other in order to generate something more creatively evolved as a result of their attraction/ reproductive interaction.

Zodiac Compatibility

Each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac occupies 30 degrees of the 360 degree circle. If Mars in a man and Venus in a woman are either in the same house/opposite houses, or are making a trine of either 120 degrees or else 60 between their positions; strong compatibilities are indicated. But if their angles are set to be 90 degrees, negative compatibilities are generated. Zero and 180 degrees are the borderline cases, which can either balance themselves in the most creative manner or else can go detrimental as far as zodiac compatibility in relationship between zodiac signs is concerned.

Zodiac Compatibility

The study is not a simple one and hence the astrologer trying to predict the most complicated question of what the stars are set like in order to affect the crucial aspects of zodiac compatibility between the two zodiac signs ought to be a real experienced one.

Zodiac Compatibility

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