Astrology - What does it mean?

Thanks to all the hype created by all the fortune tellers and medium gurus out today we hear alot about astrology and astrological readings.  Even the newspapers publish daily horoscopes of dubius origins for people to plan their day around.  The science behind natal charts and numerology has for the most part been lost or at least overlooked by modern day soothsayers and scientists alike.
But the allure of this ancient system of knowing yourself still holds many mysteries yet to be discovered.

by Rich Anders
In ancient times astronomers were also astrologers. With the advent of science a gradual separation took place and presently astronomers distance themselves from something as unscientific as astrology is thought to be. This is understandable because astronomy deals with the physical aspects of the universe and astrology deals with spiritual aspects.

Science only recently has discovered the realm of the quantum vacuum, which can also be called the realm of spirituality, and so far does not understand this realm. It comes as no surprise that scientists arrogantly dismiss something that's beyond comprehension for them. It's the easy way out, which keeps them from getting in trouble with the mainstream scientific establishment.
Astrology is very popular. People really want to know what the future will bring and whether a relationship is right for them and a lot more. Astrology is practiced all over the world. It is found on the Internet and also in the printed media. Books on astrology are available in bookstores all over the world and some are excellent. Based on horoscopes, gifted astrologers can provide very precise information. It has been proven many times throughout history that astrology is a valid tool to predict future events, analyze relationships and describe personal character traits.
Astrology is a very complex and demanding field and it takes a lot of knowledge, practice and experience to be able to make good use of its phenomenal potential. Therefore, it depends on the astrologer's skill, whether he/she can make use of this potential. For the novice it is deceptively simple to take aspects, which the sun, the moon and the planets form with specific locations of the horoscope and to use ready made texts out of a book to find out what they mean. The problem is that sometimes it works and it even can work quite well. But it is not this easy.
There are many books about astrology that prove that astrology works. So far, I have not seen a single one that explains w h y it works. After all, the distances between an earthling and the cosmic bodies, which are the determining factors of a horoscope, are immense. It makes sense that the sun and the moon influence life on earth because of their relative proximity and the radiation coming from them. It dos not make sense that, for instance, the planet Pluto, which is a small object at the outer limits of the solar system, should affect life on earth. And yet it can have profound effects on someone's life because this planet moves so slowly that its influence through a specific aspect is felt over several years.
Considering the vast distances separating this planet from the different cosmic bodies important for astrology it is obvious that the influence coming from "the stars" cannot be physical. While gravity is a constant factor, which could be taken into consideration electromagnetic influences coming from celestial bodies vary considerably in strength. Moreover, they follow no apparent pattern and, thus, are unpredictable. This automatically excludes them as possible influences in horoscopes, as these depend on predictability. The universe is a dual structure: primarily it is spiritual and secondly it is material. The material plane does not explain the influences "the stars" have on somebody's life. Therefore, the spiritual plane must provide the basis for the influences cosmic bodies have on life on earth.
Science calls it the realm of the quantum vacuum; some call it ether. It is better known as the realm of the spiritual energies. These are the energies attached to matter. To facilitate understanding let's call them spiritual energies. While matter exists in a four dimensional time/space structure in the realm of the spiritual energies there is neither time nor space and everything is interconnected. Most importantly, spiritual energies can be programmed.
Programming spiritual energies can be done in many ways. Education, teaching in schools, prayer, religious rituals, black or white magic and having positive or negative thoughts establish spiritual patterns, which make things happen in the material plane. But the most important programming of a person happens at birth.
When the umbilical cord is cut the spiritual entity, which had been with the pregnant woman since conception gets attached to the baby's body and the newly born starts a life of his/her own. That's the moment when like a software program being loaded into a computer cosmic influences are programmed into the spiritual energies of a brand new person. These programs called fate, destiny or karma etc. will accompany this person from birth to death and determine what will happen throughout the entire life.
The factors responsible for this programming are many. The major influences come from the stars, the sun, the moon and the planets. There are others of minor importance but for simplicity's sake let's just deal with these. - A horoscope is subdivided in the 12 signs of the zodiac with 30 degrees each, which accounts for the 360 degrees of the full circle. The stars exert their influence through these signs. Depending on the position of the sun, the moon and the planets in specific signs the personality of the newborn will develop specific characteristics. These positions also determine what kind of life a person will have.
The sun, the moon, and the nine planets; they each have very specific meanings and exert very specific influences, which are modified according to their location in one of the 12 signs of the birth horoscope (natal chart). Furthermore, the horoscope is divided into 12 houses, which correspond to the 12 signs but have a totally different meaning. The houses differ in size and change according to the time of the day. The top of the first house, the ascendant, is the point that rises on the horizon at the moment of birth. While the position of the sun determines the basic character traits, the ascendant determines a persons attitudes and behavior. The locations of the sun and the ascendant are the most important factors for someone's life.
For convenience, from now on we'll include the sun and the moon when we speak of planets. - We have 11 planets times 12 zodiac signs times 12 houses. To this one needs to add the degrees of separation between the planets. There are positive angles and negative angles. Oppositions can be either one. Angles can be strong or weak. - Before it gets too confusing let's just state that there are so many different variants in a horoscope that every single person in this world can have an individual horoscope, which specifically determines his/her life.
Twins are in a special situation. In their horoscopes the positions of the planets in signs are the same unless there was a major interval in between cutting the umbilical cords. This has a decisive influence and accounts for the similarities in the twins' personalities; it also can cause same or similar events in the life of twins. Differences in behavior, attitudes and fate of twins are the result of the advance of the ascendant. The changes in the location of the cusps of the houses and the changes in the shape of the houses between the first and the second cutting of the respective umbilical cords account for further differences between twins.
In 24 hours the ascendant moves through all the signs of the zodiac. This means that every minute the ascendant moves one degree and a half. This may not seem a lot but if the birth of the second twin is only five minutes later the ascendant has moved 7.5 degrees. This can put the cusp of the first house in the next sign, which would make a significant difference in behavior and attitudes. The 11 planets can be in different houses and their aspects to the cusps of the houses would vary in strength or would not be there at all. Therefore, one can state that the differences in attitudes, behavior and fate of twins depend on the time elapsed between cutting their umbilical cords.
Interpretation is the purpose of a horoscope and there are several methods in use. It would take several volumes to go into details and there are many books that do just that. For the purpose of this article these methods will be mentioned but not discussed in detail to give the casual reader an impression what astrology can do.
A personality analysis interprets the location of the 11 planets in signs and houses as well as the degrees of separation between them. Additionally, the location of the ascendant and the medium Cole, that's the highest point of a horoscope at the cusp of the tenth house, are very important. Each one of these factors has a number of influences that vary according to their locations in signs or houses. The importance and significance of each one of the 11 planets and of the ascendant and medium coeli depend on their location. For instance, a planet located right on top of the ascendant carries enormous weight and will establish dominance over this horoscope. In comparison, the other planets will just modify this influence but they won't be able to override it. Example: a woman with Venus at the cusp of the first house, the ascendant, will be charming, lovable, friendly, generous in love and life, and very popular with men and women alike. On the downside: marriage will be a source of continuous frustration, grief, humiliation and expenses. No matter how much hardship life might bring to her, this woman will not change her positive attitudes and behavior. Most importantly, her positive outlook on life will help her to overcome whatever difficulties other influences will bring.
Personality analysis can be used to compare the compatibility of people in business, love etc. For instance, lovers check whether they are compatible enough to get married and have a chance to have their marriage last. There is a trick, though. If a person's horoscope indicates he will have two marriages the best compatibility won't keep the first marriage from breaking apart. The primary advantage of a comparative analysis is pointing out which areas are the strengths or weaknesses of a union. Knowing about situations that bring tensions and conflicts can help a lot to diffuse them before real damage has been done. On the other hand knowing the strong points of a relationship is a valuable tool to make a relationship succeed.
Predicting the future is the most popular use of a horoscope and it is done with several methods. We'll explain just the three most important ones. As said before, it would take several volumes of books to really deal with this matter in detail.
Each one of the cosmic bodies of the solar system known in antiquity - sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - represents a period of time in a person's life. The moon dominates childhood, Mercury dominates the growing period up to adulthood, Venus dominates the end teens and twenties, Mars dominates the thirties and sometimes the early forties, Jupiter dominates the forties and fifties and Saturn dominates the sixties and up. The position of the respective planet in a sign and in a house and its aspects to the cusps of the houses and the other planets determine what the eras of life will be like. For instance, Mars with several negative aspects to other planets or cusps of houses will bring a very turbulent time during the thirties. The planets forming an aspect with Mars and the houses they are located in determine what kind of turbulence this will be. For instance, if a negative aspect comes from Pluto in the eighth house this person will be repeatedly in danger of getting killed during the thirties.
Progression of the planets by one degree for each year of life forms aspects with other planets and cusps of the houses. When a planet meets the natal position of another planet then it activates all the aspects this one has. If progression forms a valid angle with any relevant point of the horoscope then this point becomes activated according to the degree of the connection formed. For instance, if a Venus progression meets Jupiter at an age of the horoscope owner that love and marriage are possible then love it will be for sure and marriage as well as long as there are not very strong negative influences on this aspect.
The daily motions of the planets form aspects with significant positions in the horoscope. These are called transits and their influence can last from several hours up to approximately three years. The faster a planet moves the shorter is its influence. Therefore, transits of sun and moon are insignificant and make for changing moods at the most. Transits of Mercury and Venus have little influence unless they result in a loop.
The planetary motions relevant for a horoscope are seen from the earth because this is where the owner of the horoscope is located. This results in an optical illusion because the planets will advance, get slower, stop, and then turn around. Going back this scenario repeats until the planet moves forward again and runs off.
A planet can form two or three consecutive aspects with the same horoscope location when in a loop. During this time the aspects are activated and influence daily life. When the aspect is exact action ensues. For example, someone has a positive Venus aspect in a loop. The first time the aspect is exact the horoscope owner meets someone interesting. He/she starts dating this person. The second time the aspect is exact the partners start having sex. After the third time the aspect is exact the relationship ends or the nature of the relationship is changed because some other aspect takes over influencing the relationship.
The duration of a loop's influence depends on the planet running through it. Mercury loops take about a month while Pluto loops can take up to three years. The slower a planet the longer the loops last. Therefore, the outer planets very much influence periods of our lives. Depending on the structure of a loop this can be good or bad, beneficial or devastating.
While interpretations of aspects in a book can give relevant information of single transits to make a complete analysis of a horoscope one needs to consider its structure. - Planets and the cusps of the houses are not evenly distributed in a horoscope. A planet can stand isolated or have several aspects. Aspects can connect only two locations or they can span locations in the entire horoscope, for instance, in a complete square, which is a very bad thing to have. A triangle connects several locations with 120 degrees and this is about as good as it gets.
A horoscope's structure determines its owner's life. If someone has a complete square or even two of them he will experience catastrophes in his life again and again. Every time a planet in transit activates the complete square the entire negative structure will be activated. Ramifications will be felt in all the areas determined by the houses where the planets touched by an aspect are located. The nature of the influence will depend on the nature of the planet in such house. For instance, a complete square has a planet in the tenth house, the fourth house, the first and the seventh house. A negative planet in transit will attack the planet in the seventh house, the house of marriage; in the first house, the house of behavior; in the tenth house, the house of emotions and career; and in the fourth house, home and family. Such transit will bring a situation, which will threaten marriage and family life, cause severe depressions and bring emotional instability, which will affect the work place, as well. In all probability this will result in a divorce, destruction of family life and loss of the home of the horoscope's owner. Additionally, the work place is in danger.
Depending on the attacking planet, until the final result is reached this can be an "on again off again" situation, Pluto; a sudden totally unexpected and severe definite blow, Uranus; deceit, delusions and treachery, Neptune; misfortune, losses, and health problems, Saturn; miscalculations, bad judgement, wishful thinking gone wrong, loss of money, investments gone bad, infidelity etc. Jupiter. - Please note that this is just an example. To interpret a horoscope thoroughly the nature of the participating planets has to be considered according to their locations in signs and houses of the natal chart and their aspects.
Having explained why and how astrology is working all that remains is to re-state that every living being is part of the universe. In this universe everything is interconnected through the energies of the quantum vacuum, the spiritual energies.
Astrology is the tool to find out how spiritual energies of cosmic bodies are influencing and determining life on earth.
Copyright Rich Anders, January 2003
Reproduction of this article in part or whole only with the author's written consent The author can be contacted at 

Are biorhythms based on scientific research?
Biorhythms were discovered by two scientists working independently of one another. Dr. Hermann Swoboda, a professor of Psychology at the University of Vienna, and Dr. Wilhelm Fliess, a nose and throat specialist, recognized the existence of biorhythms in the early 1900s. Through extensive scientific research, the doctors reached nearly identical conclusions. Each doctor published his discoveries, establishing biorhythms as an area of scientific study. Today, researchers continue to evaluate biorhythms in hopes of determining how they affect the human condition.
What are the three biorhythmic cycles?
Humans have three repeating biorhythmic cycles:

  • Physical, which lasts for 23 days
  • Emotional, which lasts for 28 days
  • Intellectual, which lasts for 33 days
The length of each cycle is the same for everyone. The cycles are based on your birth date, and are tracked in tandem throughout your life. So, you can find out what kind of day you are going to have tomorrow, next week, or in three years!
How does the physical cycle affect me?
The physical cycle occurs over 23 days. Throughout those 23 days, the quality of your physical performance will vary, depending on where you are within the cycle.
During the positive phase of the cycle you experience better physical endurance and strength. During the negative phase of this cycle you are more susceptible to fatigue, disease, and coordination problems.
How does the emotional cycle affect me?
The emotional cycle governs how you feel about and react to certain situations.
The cycle lasts 28 days. Some researchers also believe that the emotional cycle is responsible for "bio-luck," the concept that you are lucky on some days and unlucky on others.
Generally, any endeavors you undertake will have a better outcome during the positive phase of the emotional cycle. The higher the sine wave, the better the outcome!
How does the intellectual cycle affect me?
The intellectual cycle governs judgment, decision-making, and memory. Your intellectual abilities cycle over a 33-day period.
During the positive phase of the cycle, your mind is quite sharp � almost as if the synapses in your brain are firing faster. During the negative phase of the intellectual cycle, you may find it difficult to recall information, such as phone numbers and names.
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